Another new one…
Category: Uncategorized
Day 2
(supplemental / past-dated … )
Whoohoo. Vitamins? Check. Water? 5 * 12 + couple Cokes & coffee (whups)
Food? Mezza mezza. Only managed 2 miles on TMill. I should name him/her/it.
207.1 i think was morning weigh-in. Whew… 40+ to go. Yikes.
Day 1
Monday moan.
Ate too much today. Got a lotta water in, though.
And got all my vitamins.
And this post, wahoo.
Begin again
Got a thing coming up. Figger it’s time to try to kick into a plan (again). I’ve always been enamoured with dividing the year into quarters, and thus this is DAY ONE of what shall be a 13-week plan…
stay tuned, sports fans. More reveals soon.
Ah! perhaps daily updates here shall be one stab at accountability.
“What holds you accountable?”
“The vast masses of nameless potential readers on the interwebs.”
“… like anyone out there really cares? I suppose you’re gonna stream as well? <sigh>”
Old draft from 2019… heh
You blink, and realize years have gone by. Time marches on, and the sands — while not necessarily accelerating — draw more and more attention as the ever-expanding lower half greatly exceeds the remaining amount above.
And yet hope springs once more as a new year has recently begun. A chance to do, and be, more than before; the fresh canvas on which to compose and illustrate the actions of my life. Three words? Resolutions?
These past two weeks have been spent in some casual mulling over what possibilities are worth pursuing, accompanied by the stress over prioritizing and choosing. The old “desire for the answer“ever reigns supreme; perhaps part of my quest is to retrain myself in recognizing that questing for an answer is likely the more satisfying and lesser anxiety and frustration-producing orientation.
haha , sorry, “… is like a more satisfying… ” !
Sounds like I need to finally buckle down and read some Hiyakawa 1,2.
Speaking of reading, and choices, and priorities [riff here about current thoughts: what’s the [current] key, and what could follow, rather how to manage the interesting, ever-growing horde.]
But back to the topic — the website — at hand. What is this site, about; in what ways am I renewing / recommitting to its intent?
Originally, health.
But now, a surrender to the concept of balance. How “four square”3 of me, eh? Enough drafting for now…
Habits and momentum…
“old habits are had to break”
Maybe it’s more like “old habits need hard braking”!
The momentum of the old habits is perhaps the thing we really must wrestle with, the “auto-pilot” that so much of our daily life is on, must be shaken up.
Not a single post yesterday. Yowch!
I often have thought about practices. I.e. what a daily practice could be, should be.. and yet, here it is, Aug 2nd, (Tuesday) and yesterday went by in a total blur. Work in the morning thru day, then off to meetings at night, home at 10:10PM and then bed aroudn 11ish. But, stupidly, ready mindless junk till 12? Also ate a bunch when I got home. No good! Very, VERY similar to how I’ve been all this time.
Like I said, momentum. Habit. Practices…. “Must brake hard!”
Take right now. It’s 6:25AM. I am tired, and find myself wanting to go back to sleep. And yet, I’m thinking that I really need to force myself into action, into movement. And yes, there’s another meeting this morning; some volunteer work I need to log into the web, work and more meetings this afternoon. Yoikes.
Maybe this evening wil provide a bit of respite.
Anyway, yesterdays number was 228. This mornings was 227.6.
I really must start the Cooper clinic’s cardio program. At least I did take a couple vitamins yesterday!
Hello, first post
… just about had it. 50 yrs old (51 in a couple weeks), around 60 pounds overweight, stressed and mostly not happy — it’s high time to make a change. Whups, hang on. Gotta install askimet…
Cool, that’s done. Yeah, it’s not going to be “big” on web site design issues here. The real impetus of the site is to encourage me to write (to write, To Write, TO WRITE!) frequently and, in doing so, to keep me on the straight ‘n narrow with regard to this journey of mine.
Yes, it’s not just a quest for “hunkdom”… it’s really a quest “go home”, to find (or make) that space where I’m really myself, enjoy what I see in the mirror, and am certifiably on a path toward results and success. I feeling, for once, of full integration and ‘coming together’ of all the differing interests and wants and needs and values and concerns.
Something like: “a total package… that works.”
And starting that, hey! It’s off to bed (can you believe it?! Night owl that I often am) before 10:00pm. Do a little reading and wake up early tomorrow morning to begin the quest.