“old habits are had to break”
Maybe it’s more like “old habits need hard braking”!
The momentum of the old habits is perhaps the thing we really must wrestle with, the “auto-pilot” that so much of our daily life is on, must be shaken up.
Not a single post yesterday. Yowch!
I often have thought about practices. I.e. what a daily practice could be, should be.. and yet, here it is, Aug 2nd, (Tuesday) and yesterday went by in a total blur. Work in the morning thru day, then off to meetings at night, home at 10:10PM and then bed aroudn 11ish. But, stupidly, ready mindless junk till 12? Also ate a bunch when I got home. No good! Very, VERY similar to how I’ve been all this time.
Like I said, momentum. Habit. Practices…. “Must brake hard!”
Take right now. It’s 6:25AM. I am tired, and find myself wanting to go back to sleep. And yet, I’m thinking that I really need to force myself into action, into movement. And yes, there’s another meeting this morning; some volunteer work I need to log into the web, work and more meetings this afternoon. Yoikes.
Maybe this evening wil provide a bit of respite.
Anyway, yesterdays number was 228. This mornings was 227.6.
I really must start the Cooper clinic’s cardio program. At least I did take a couple vitamins yesterday!